Why choose industry specific ERP?

By MIE Solutions UK Ltd
schedule29th Sep 16

When it comes to selecting an ERP system, at a glance, you are spoilt for choice. There are ERP systems that are designed for companies of all sizes and industries, so how are you to narrow your search down in order to find the one that’s right for your company? Today we are going to look at three main benefits of going down the route of industry specific ERP. There is no doubt that many systems could potentially be customised to suit your needs, but what are the plus points of going with a specific, out the box package?

– Fewer workarounds. As mentioned in the point above, many non-industry specific systems could be adapted to suit your needs, but only to a degree. The fact that the software was not originally designed with the intention of dealing with processes relevant to your industry means that there is a high possibility that workarounds will be required. By this I mean things such as the need to continue to use other systems to manage certain aspects, such as spreadsheets.

– Only pay for what you need. This one is a big point that often gets forgotten about. So you go and buy a system that has plenty of “bells and whistles”, but how many of them are you actually going to use and how many are relevant to what you need. Industry specific software is more likely to be tailored and have the exact modules you need to run your business. Another thing to consider is that you, as a user, are going to be paying towards the future development of the software in the form of an annual support contract. Industry specific packages are more likely to add features that are relevant to you, whereas more general ERP types are going to add features that cater for all of the markets they operate in.

– Ease of implementation. This was something that I talked about in another blog and is again quite often overlooked. The implementation to start with either makes the entire project a success or failure. Dealing with industry specific providers means you are dealing with people who have implemented the system in companies very similar to yourselves. They are more likely to have a better understanding of how your company operates and can decide on a plan of action based on relevant experience.

If you would like any more information or would like to discuss your requirements in further detail then please either;

Email us: [email protected]

Call us: 01527 576 444

Visit our website: www.mie-solutions.co.uk